Tuesday, July 9, 2013


When we first moved to Chicago it was only meant to be for a year and then we were planning on returning to Northern Ireland and continuing in what we knew as normal life. Because of this, and also work restrictions, I decided that a year without gainful employment, spending my time volunteering and regularly visiting the gym was just what the doctor ordered.  This used to annoy a few of the guys in Chicago who were subjected to financial ‘busy seasons’ but as a good friend I made sure not to discuss my lazy lunches and days by the pool in their company. Once we, (replace with ‘Jenny’) decided that we would stay on longer in the States I found myself fabricating a CV and attending the dreaded job interviews. The reason for this section is to highlight the importance of networking and making new friends. Through our expat group in Chicago I met a guy who had just moved to Chicago with a recruitment firm. The same recruitment firm I had just applied to for work. A most enjoyable Saturday night out, despite the live ‘comedy’ show and this guy assured me he would sort something for me come Monday. Mr Rawcliffe was true to his word and come the following week I found myself joining a fantastic company called SThree as a trainee recruitment consultant. My time there was a great experience and I learned a lot of things about corporate life. And more importantly some of the tricks and tips for making you stand out above the other thousands of people applying for the same job you are.

Having had some experience in the world of event planning, I decided this was going to be my focus for the next step in my career. I envisaged months in front of the computer, trawling career sites and writing cover letters and waiting for the usual emails saying thanks but no thanks. We were lucky enough to be invited to a garden party to celebrate the birthday of a rather important individual here in Muscat, on our first weekend in town. During dinner I got chatting to a wonderful lady who informed me that alongside a number of successful businesses, she was the owner and managing director of a boutique events company. One thing led to another and several days later I found myself as the new Events Director for a company called MEvents. Check out the website which will give you an idea of some of the amazing events we have done in the past.

I hope to share with you some of the work that we will be doing over the upcoming months but needless to say I am delighted to have been given this opportunity. Not just because I get to work with some of the best chefs and restaurants throughout Oman and beyond, but also a lot of the work we do is for high-end luxury consumers and businesses as well as some of the bigger companies and ministry departments. Did I mention I am over the moon about this?

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